  • Serverless
  • Vercel
  • pyhton
  • go
  • node
  • rust

Serverless Functions on Vercel

This is a test of Python, Go, Node, and Rust, which its still a lot of incomplete parts and may be completed

Note: Estimate Pi with Monte Carlo Method

let mut rng = oorandom::Rand32::new(seed);
const RADIUS: u64 = 424242;
const LOOPS: u64 = 1_000_000;

let mut counter = 0;
for _ in 0..LOOPS {
  let x: u64 = rng.rand_range(1..RADIUS as u32).into();
  let y: u64 = rng.rand_range(1..RADIUS as u32).into();

  if (x.pow(2) + y.pow(2)) < (RADIUS.pow(2)) {
    counter += 1;

let pi = (4.0 * counter as f64) / LOOPS as f64;

RustπŸ¦€, Python 🐍, Go πŸŽƒ, Node 🍜 final live